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The following are frequently asked questions (FAQs) commonly received by Inovonics customer service and technical service representatives. If you do not see your question below, please contact us directly.

Question: What are the ranges of Inovonics products?


  • Our transmitters have an advertised range of 25,000 square feet
  • Our long-range transmitters have a range of 40,000 square feet
  • Our repeaters have a range of 50,000 square feet

Note: Range values are based on empirical estimates.  Range variance is effected by the building materials used within a structure. The values advertised provide a solid baseline.

Question: Are EN transmitters and FA receivers compatible with one another?

Answer: No, FA and EN product lines are not cross compatible with one another. Frequency Agile (FA) is an analog based radio and EchoStream (EN) is a digital based radio.

Question: Are FA products still available for purchase?

Answer: No. Frequency Agile (FA) products were discontinued several years ago.

Question: What is the maximum number of repeaters I can use?

Answer: There are no hard limits to an Inovonics system size. That said, in practice, a system size can be greatly effected by a number of factors including: device quantity, supervision interval, check-in interval, adjacent Inovonics/900MHz systems and criticality of message. It is best to review your system integration plans with a member of our sales or technical services team prior to installation. If you have addition questions, please contact 800-782-2709 or consider using an Inovonics survey tool to determine optimal locations for transmitters and repeaters prior to install.

Question: Which receivers can I use with Inovonics multiple condition transmitters like the EN1224?

Answer: All multiple condition pendant transmitters require the use of a serial receiver or network coordinator, in addition to an application designed to support advanced functionality. Multiple condition transmitters are also compatible with add-on receivers designed to distinguish transmitters with multiple conditions like the EN4216MR or the EN4232MR.

Question: Does Inovonics make or sell any recessed transmitters?

Answer: No, not currently. However, we are collecting use cases to assess the feasibility of adding such device type to our portfolio. Please contact Product Management if you would like to express your interest in a product such as this.

Question: Where can I get pricing for Inovonics products?

Answer: If you purchase Inovonics products through a distributor, you will need to contact that distributor for pricing. If you are an Inovonics authorized distributor, you can contact our customer service department via email at for pricing details.

Question: Why are some Inovonics products not available for me to purchase?

Answer: Please contact your Regional Sales Manager for more information regarding products that may or may not be available to you.

Question: Are Inovonics products available outside of the United States?

Answer: Yes. Our products are available in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.

Question: I am a property owner, how can I manage my own billing for submetering?

Answer: If you are looking to conduct your own Submetering billing at your property, you will need to speak with the account representative for your region about becoming a Read, Bill, and Collector (RBC).

Question: Do Inovonics transmitters feature location tracking?

Answer: In certain applications, yes. Please contact your Regional Sales Manager for more information.