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TapWatch Transmitter Configuration

The ACCTWCFG TapWatch transmitter configuration is a per transmitter accessory for submetering customers interested in having Inovonics pre-configure a submetering site. This accessory can be used to create a new site or add new transmitters to an existing site. This service is available only for sites using the TapWatch application and gateway. Simply include ACCTWCFG on your purchase order, making sure the accessory quantity matches the number of transmitters you need pre-configured. Once you receive your order confirmation, Inovonics Customer Service will send a link to the Inovonics TapWatch Transmitter Configuration Service Order Form to provide the details required to complete the process. Please allow five working days from receipt of the service order form for order fulfillment.


Compatible Products

  • EN1501

    Pulse Meter Transmitter