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Hardware and Software Support Ended March 1, 2023

What’s Happening

Inovonics discontinued support for the following hardware on March 1, 2023:

  • RDL8500 Remote Data Logger
  • DCC5800

Inovonics will be discontinuing support for the following software on March 1, 2023:

  • TapWatch 2
  • TapWatch 3

Why It’s Happening

Microsoft has chosen to discontinue the server that supports the Inovonics RDL8500 Remote Data Logger connected via internet on March 1, 2023. Analog phonelines around the country are being upgraded to digital lines that are not compatible with the DCC or RDL, preventing reliable and consistent connections. The TapWatch software was not designed, and is not compatible, with the most recent and secure computer operating systems.

Doing Your Part

Inovonics has introduced the TapWatch Gateway and TapWatch Application to provide a migration path for the discontinued RDL8500 and DCC5800.

Moving to the EN7580 TapWatch gateway and Tapwatch cloud is more future proof as it communicates over an internet connection and runs on a cloud application which is compatible with any computer operating system past and present that uses a web browser.

Prior to March 1, 2023, please connect to any remaining sites with an RDL via TW3, and download a backup of the site configuration, as well as the meter readings and exceptions. This will facilitate a smooth transition to the Gateway and TapWatch Cloud after March 1, 2023 for any remaining properties.

To avoid interruption in service, please select from the discounted replacement options below.


Do-it-Yourself: $560
Order your discounted TapWatch hardware and install yourself.

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Plug and Play: $710-$860
Order a preprogrammed Gateway for simple, quick install. Update a dial up site for $860, or an IP connected site for $710.

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