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Weld Central High School has installed the BluePoint Alert System which integrates Inovonics wireless into their pull stations around the campus.

Similar to a fire pull station, the blue pull stations alert law enforcement and initiate lockdown procedures almost immediately through the Inovonics wireless network.

From 9News Denver:

WELD COUNTY - More schools across Colorado taking steps to protect their students and staff.

Weld Central High School has installed the BluePoint Alert System.

When activated, the system notifies police dispatch that the school is in a lockdown situation and signals police for help.

The BluePoint Alert System was created after the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy two years ago.

The creator of BluePoint, John McNutt, says thankfully, it has not been activated in any of those schools so far.

The company does routine tests and drills to make sure the system is working.

In the latest test, response time from BluePoint Alert activation to police response was 8 seconds.

When the BluePoint Alert system is activated, there's a wireless signal that sends the message to police for help...

Read the entire article and watch the broadcast: Weld County school debuts new school safety system