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LOUISVILLE, Colo., March 17, 2016 – Inovonics announces the release of its new EN7290 EchoStream® receiver/interface for Honeywell Commercial VISTA panels, designed to add Inovonics commercial wireless endpoints and panic buttons to the Honeywell VISTA-128 and VISTA-250 series control panels.

Tony Mucci, Director of Engineering & Product Management at Tyco, had the following to say about the design and use of the new EN7290 receiver/interface:

“This interface follows in the footsteps of the Focus Panel and the success Tyco had partnering with Inovonics commercial wireless.  Inovonics support of the Vista panels puts Tyco in a great position to repeat this success with the same scalability, coverage and reliability that our customers depend on, and for which Inovonics is known.”

In the words of Michael Um, Senior Product Manager - Security at Inovonics:

“Our add-on receivers have always offered installers the ability to enhance any system with wireless capabilities, but this Honeywell panel interface will allow them to take full advantage of their familiar Vista programming with the addition of Inovonics wireless endpoints and panic buttons to new or existing intrusion systems.”

The EN7290 EchoStream receiver/interface supports up to 127 registered devices with the VISTA-128 panel, and 249 registered devices with the VISTA-250 panel. The new interface was made available to dealers and integrators from their local ADI or Tyco distributor in February 2016.

For more information, to request images and/or to inquire about interview availability, please contact Nikki Williams by email at or by phone at 303-209-7219.

About Inovonics
Inovonics is the industry leader in high-performance wireless sensor networks for commercial intrusion detection, panic alarm and mobile duress applications. Founded in 1986, the company delivers a reliable, cost-effective and flexible solution for wireless commercial security. Inovonics’ line of wireless end points and scalable repeater network ensure success in any size commercial premise. For more information, visit