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As the country continues to grapple with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we want to reach out and communicate some actions we are taking during this trying time. While we are making every effort to continue to operate our business as normally as possible, the health and safety of our colleagues, suppliers, and customers is our primary concern. With that in mind, we have instituted a work from home policy for everybody who’s not required to be physically on-site to receive and ship product, and we have restricted travel, even locally, for all employees. Even with these measures it is possible that staffing shortages will cause us to be unable to meet our intended service levels. We hope this doesn’t come to pass, but we will certainly communicate as soon as we see issues. In the meantime, we are willing and able to provide any and all support possible through remote means.

Additionally, as this situation continues it becomes increasingly likely that we will see supply chain disruption. Again, we will communicate as soon as we are able when these issues arise.

Our thoughts are with everyone who has been affected by this terrible situation, and we wish anyone suffering from COVID-19 a full and speedy recovery. Please contact your Inovonics representative with any questions or concerns.

Best Regards,