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"Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) have supported aging-in-place needs common among many seniors; however, these systems are designed with a residential environment in mind. When looking at a commercial setting, such as a hospital or other healthcare environment, a personal emergency becomes more complicated, involves staff and can often lead to immediate or highly volatile life-threatening situations.

In addition to the many traditional security measures that healthcare facilities have in place, there needs to be a commercial duress system in place that focuses entirely on people protection and is more robust than residential PERS. Unlike PERS, Enterprise Mobile Duress (EMD) systems are designed to cover large areas, protect a large number of users, provide location of the incident and have the ability to integrate with existing building security systems. EMD systems are designed not only to protect hospital staff who carry panic buttons, but can also play a critical role in routing responders as well as notifying all people within an area of danger..."

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