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Multi-Family Submetering – How to Buy

Are you a multifamily property owner interested in making sure your submetering hardware is expertly installed and maintained? Or a utility billing provider interested in outsourcing the hardware components of a submetering system? Here you can find a searchable database of Inovonics submetering Authorized and AuthorizedPlus partners to identify the best one to meet your needs.

Authorized partners have received training to ensure they are familiar with the Inovonics submetering solution. In addition to this basic training AuthorizedPlus partners have received in-depth training and passed certification testing.

If you need help in identifying the right partner to best meet your needs or if you’re a submetering provider interested in becoming an Authorized or Authorized plus partner, please contact the Inovonics account manager for your region.

Note: Inovonics cannot assist in the transfer of the access rights to a DCC or RDL to any entity that has not been trained in the use of TapWatch software and who has not signed a software license agreement with Inovonics.