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People Behind the Products

Chris Platt
Principal Firmware Engineer

How does your department support Inovonics customers?
Firmware creates the embedded software that makes each device do what it does. We consistently improve the framework from which each product is built. Improving the core library and feature sets helps to support our customers now and in the future.

What do people not know about your department or what it’s like to be an intern at Inovonics?
The firmware team interacts with just about everyone in the company. It’s important to have synergy between departments to do our jobs and completely understand the products that we are working on.
I enjoy working with a team that works towards the same goals together and to me it feels like we’re all in this together. As the technical lead, I’m available to support and guide projects as needed, but at the end of the day, we’re a unified team working together towards the same goals.

Unique to our department, we don’t have formal, regular meetings. Our department and other departments are very available for conversations throughout the day. Most times I can walk to anyone’s desk in the building and have a quick conversation to get questions answered and keep momentum on projects. I do, however, have regular bi-weekly mentorship meetings with all members on the team. These meetings don’t have a rigid structure; they’re an open forum and not a lecture. I enjoy being available for personal and professional questions as needed.